
Annual General Meeting – Zoom Registration

Guide to joining AGM Zoom Meeting

Below is the Zoom link, Meeting ID and Code for registering for the Club AGM on, Friday 9th April at 7.30pm.  Once registered, Zoom will send a confirmation e-mail with a link to join the meeting, please do not share this link with anyone, it is unique to you.

So that each member attending on Zoom is counted, we need all members at the same address, even if using the same device, to register separately.  This should be possible even where an e-mail address is shared.

As there are no motions being accommodated, and no elections being held, there will be no voting taking place.

If you have any questions to put to the Club Officers these must be received in writing, or by e-mail to Rosemary

( by 2nd April 2021, to give time for a response to be prepared.  The Officers will try to respond to questions raised after this deadline, but priority will be given to those received on time.  Apologies should also be submitted by this time if possible.

The meeting will be opened a short time before 7.30pm and all attendees will be put on mute to start the meeting.  We would ask you to stay on mute for the entire meeting so as not to interfere with the official speakers.  You may leave your video off or on as you choose but would suggest you choose speaker view.

Lady Captain, Fiona, is hosting the meeting from the Zoom aspect and will monitor the chat facility, but she will not be answering queries on behalf of the Officers.  This is a new process to many of us, so we ask that members be patient.  The meeting will be recorded so that members not able to attend can have access to the proceedings.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Friday Apr 9, 2021 07:30 PM London

Register in advance for this meeting:–srT4rEtGrQ4twK87r8ERYFEI6wbVJ

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.